Income and Career Concerns Among Emerging Adults From Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom During COVID-19

Julia A. Nuckols, Gintautas Silinskas, Mette Ranta & Terhi-Anna Wilska

Julkaisu: Sage Journals


In this study, we examine the prevalence of income and career concerns among emerging adults in three different welfare states during COVID-19: Finland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

This study also delves into how factors such as one’s self-perceived financial situation, generalized mistrust, loneliness and socio-demographics are related to emerging adults’ income and career concerns.

Results showed that individuals from the United Kingdom were more likely to experience increased income and career concerns than those in Finland and Sweden.

Gintas Silinskas

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Researcher

Researcher in Work Package "Young people as consumers in digital environments"

Financial literacy, digitalization, consumer behavior


Mette Ranta

PhD, Title of Docent/ Associate Prof.

University Researcher in Work Package "The factors affecting young people's digital and financial skills inside and outside school"

Life course transition to adulthood, financial capability, financial well-being, positive and developmental psychology, financial stress, social relationships, quantitative methods, longitudinal research

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Terhi-Anna Wilska

Ph.D., Lic.Sc. (Econ.), Professor, Consortium Pl

Leader in Work Package ”Young people as consumers in digital environments”

Consumer research, digitalisation, young people, well-being, sustainability

+358 40 805 4201