Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education

DigiConsumers is a multidisciplinary research project that seeks solutions to improve the financial knowledge and consumption skills of young people aged 13-25, especially in digital environments.

The playful approaches and digital tools of financial education work package analyzes how young people use digital tools to manage their finances and how different digital tools can guide them to consider factors related to their own financial management.

Research topics

Talouden hallinnan tärkein taito

Panu Kalmi

Ph.D., Professor

Leader in Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

University of Vaasa, School of Accounting and Finance.

Economics, financial literacy

+358 29 449 8528

Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen

D.Sc(Econ.), Director of Research, Pellervo Economic Research

Adjunct professor, University of Vaasa

Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

Financial literacy, risk management

+358 40 641 5732

Tero Vartiainen

Ph.D., Professor

Researcher in Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

Computer science, design science, information systems

Professor of Information Systems

+358 29 449 8588

Saija Alanko

M.Sc. (econ.), MA, Doctoral Researcher

Researcher in Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

University of Vaasa, School of Accounting and Finance

Economics, financial literacy

+358 29 449 8527

Gökhan Buturak

Ph.D. (Econ.), Researcher

Researcher in Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

University of Vaasa, School of Accounting and Finance

Decision theory, behavioral economics, experimental economics, behavioral finance

+358 29 449 8536

Esteban Guerrero Rosero

Ph.D. in computing science

Researcher in Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

University of Vaasa, Technology and Innovations, Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

029 449 8648

Jaakko Mustonen

M.Sc. (Econ.), Doctoral Researcher

Work Package ”Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education”
University of Vaasa, School of Accounting and Finance
Economics, financial behaviour, financial literacy

Antti Raukola

economist, bachelor of economics

Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

Pellervo Economic Research PTT

+358 9 3488 844

Maria Sivonen

economist, B.Sc. (Econ.)

Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"
Pellervo Economic Research PTT

040 836 6970

Taloudellisen lukutaidon perusta Saara Vaahtoniemi

Saara Vaahtoniemi

economist, D.Sc.(Econ)

Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education"

Pellervo Economic Research PTT

+358 406375591

Nannan Xi

Assistant Professor

School of Technology and Innovations, Computer Science

Researcher in Work Package "Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education

Game-based approaches (e.g. gamification, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, live streaming) for consumer decision-making in different business domains such as retail, finance, online community

+358 29 449 8318