The aim of the CoronaConsumers research project is to focus on the challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic regarding consumption and economic conditions of young adult consumers, specifically in the case of digital consumer environments.
The main topics of interest in this project will be young adults’ consumption patterns, financial behaviour and the economic situation changes during and after the coronavirus-crisis. Our research will take a comparative approach with other age groups. Additionally, data will be collected from Sweden (in association with the University of Gothenburg), where the public actions to mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic have been somewhat different in comparison to Finland.
Furthermore, the influence of the digitalisation of consumption and everyday life on the social and economic resilience of young adults will be examined in a pursuit to see how the constructive use of digital environments can be improved and what are the challenges and opportunities present in the digitalised consumer society when managing the social and economic problems of the young adult generation of today.
Contact: Julia Nuckols, +358505242991