Assessing Financial Literacy – PISA and background

DigiConsumers is a multidisciplinary research project that seeks solutions to improve the financial knowledge and consumption skills of young people aged 13-25, especially in digital environments.

The study focuses on the links between the financial competence of 15-year-olds, demographic variables, attitudes and the use of technologies in relation to the levels of financial competence estimated in the PISA 2018 study.


Research topics and researchers


Results from PISA 2022

The results from PISA 2022 were published on 5 December 2023. This time the focus was on mathematics. Mathematical literacy PISA 2022 results showed a...


PISA 2022 first results

Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2023:49 Subject: Koulutus Publisher: Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö Authors: Hiltunen, Jenna - Ahonen, Arto - Hienonen, Ninja -...

Arto K. Ahonen

Ph.D., University researcher

Leader in Work Package "Assessing Financial Literacy - PISA and background"

National Research Director PISA 2018, 2021

+358 40 839 4209

Kati Laine

MA, M.Sc.(Econ.), Project Researcher

Researcher in Work Package "Assessing Financial Literacy – PISA and background"

Financial literacy, PISA 2018

+358 40 523 1439


The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an internationally standardised assessment which produces information within an international frame of reference about education, learning outcomes and informal learning.

The most recent results of the assessment will be released on December 2023 (PISA 2022).

PISA assesses the learning outcome of students aged 15 in mathematics, science and reading literacy. PISA assesses to what extent students have acquired knowledge and skills essential for full participation in society and the variation in these skills over time. The students participating in the assessment are chosen by random sampling.

PISA also gauges attitudes to learning and learning skills. Questionnaires to students and schools gauge learning environments at home and at school, the students’ social background and the support they receive in learning, and students’ attitudes to school and learning.

The subjects in the assessment vary. The earlier assessments focused on the following subjects:

PISA 2022: mathematics
PISA 2018: reading
PISA 2015: science
PISA 2012: mathematics
PISA 2009: reading
PISA 2006: science
PISA 2003: mathematics
PISA 2000: reading

In 2022, 81 countries/economies participated in the PISA assessment, 36 of which were OECD members. Finland’s participation is financed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which also nominates Finland’s representative on the PISA Governing Board.

(Ministry of Education and Culture)

Contact information
The National PISA Coordinator: Senior Researcher Arto Ahonen,
tel. +358 40 839 4209,