PISA 2022 first results

Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture 2023:49
Subject: Koulutus
Publisher: Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö
Authors: Hiltunen, Jenna – Ahonen, Arto – Hienonen, Ninja – Kauppinen, Heli – Kotila, Jenni – Lehtola, Piia – Leino, Kaisa – Lintuvuori, Meri – Nissinen, Kari – Puhakka, Eija – Sirén, Marjo – Vainikainen, Mari-Pauliina – Vettenranta, Jouni
Language: Finnish
Pages: 156


Normally carried out every three years, PISA (Programme for InternationalmStudent Assessment) was postponed by a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After the delay, the eighth round of PISA took place in 2022.

PISA explores how 15-year-old students master key competences that have significance for their future, the factors associated with these competences and the changes that have taken place since the earlier rounds. The focus of this First Results report is on proficiency in mathematical literacy and the related key determinants of learning.

As mathematical literacy was the PISA main domain of assessment for the third time, the survey can provide reliable data on changes that have taken place in mathematics performance over a time period of nearly 20 years. PISA 2022 minor domains of assessment were reading literacy and scientific literacy. As before, the survey also included questions on student attitudes towards studying, on learning environments, on student wellbeing and, specifically for this round, on the links between the COVID-19 pandemic and learning outcomes.

In Finland, 10,239 students from 241 schools took the PISA 2022 tests. Publication was updated on 20th December 2023. Pages: 61, 64–70 och 132

Keywords: PISA, PISA2022, PISA Finland, comprehensive school education, lower secondary education, learning outcomes, assessment, education, research

ISBN PDF 978-952-263-929-5
ISSN PDF 1799-0351

Reference no.: VN/22652/2020
URN address: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-263-949-3

Arto K. Ahonen

Ph.D., University researcher

Leader in Work Package "Assessing Financial Literacy - PISA and background"

National Research Director PISA 2018, 2021


+358 40 839 4209

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