
Tutkijoiden artikkeleja, kirjoja ja raportteja

Nuorten taloustaitojen tutkimus

Panu Kalmi, Saara Vaahtoniemi, Anu Raijas, Mette Ranta, Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen ja Gökhan Buturak

Suomalaisten talousosaaminen tarkastelussa

Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja – 119. vsk. –3/2023

Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan suomalaisten talousosaamista hyödyntäen Taloudellisen yhteistyön ja kehityksen järjestön OECD:n piirissä olevan kansainvälisen talousopetusverkoston (International Network on Financial Education, INFE) kehittämää talousosaamisen mittaristoa. Tarkastelemme sekä talousosaamisen tasoa että sen jakautumista väestöryhmien välillä. Tehty tutkimus toteuttaa osaltaan talousosaamisen kansallisen strategian tavoitteita.

Tiina Koskelainen, Panu Kalmi, Eusebio Scornavacca & Tero Vartiainen

Financial literacy in the digital age – A research agenda

The Journal of Consumer Affairs.

Digital innovations are transforming financial services and resulting changes in consumer behavior and personal money management. Diffusion of pervasive digital technologies offers individuals quick and easy access to various digital services bringing opportunities and challenges into their personal money management. The study aimed to explore how digitalization affects individuals’ financial literacy and financial capability. As a result, we identified three main themes in the intersection of finance and digitalization: Fintech, Financial behavior in digital environments, and Behavioral interventions.

Edited By Panu Kalmi, Tommi Auvinen, Marko Järvenpää

Responsible Finance and Digitalization Implications and Developments

1st Edition, Copyright 2023
ISBN 9780367700614
296 Pages 22 B/W Illustrations
Published by Routledge

Responsible Finance and Digitalization offers a topical overview of the changes that are taking place in the financial sector and how the financial sector itself can contribute to solving global challenges. It equips both students (at MBA and other levels) and practitioners with analytical tools to reflect on this change and to take appropriate action to ensure that their organization can successfully navigate it and create value.

Mette Ranta, Milla Kruskopf, Marilla Kortesalmi, Panu Kalmi and Kirsti Lonka

Entrepreneurship as a Neglected Pitfall in Future Finnish Teachers’ Readiness to Teach 21st Century Competencies and Financial Literacy: Expectancies, Values, and Capability

The aim of this study was to examine entrepreneurship in the context of future Finnish teachers’ readiness to teach 21st century (broad-based) competencies. Teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching entrepreneurial skills and financial matters is vital for their pupils to actively participate and flourish in future society. The study utilized survey data of future teachers’ expectancy-values in teaching seven broad-based competencies of the current national curriculum and their financial literacy.

Esteban Guerrero & Panu Kalmi

Gamification Strategies: A Characterization Using Formal Argumentation Theory

SN Computer Science

Gamified software applications are omnipresent in everyday life. The idea of using game design elements in non-game contexts to engage and motivate tasks has rapidly gained traction in the human–computer interaction and the psychology fields, but scarcely in the artificial intelligence (AI) research area.

Panu Kalmi, Gianluca Trotta, Andrius Kažukauskas

Energy-related financial literacy and electricity consumption: Survey-based evidence from Finland

Gender has a strong association with energy-related financial literacy. Our results also indicate that households of respondents with higher levels of energy-related financial literacy tend to consume less electricity when we control for other factors such as dwelling and household characteristics. This implies that measures to promote energy-related financial literacy might guide consumers’ decisions toward energy efficiency and conservation.

Olli-Pekka Ruuskanen, Mats Godenhielm, Saara Vaahtoniemi, Panu Kalmi

Positiivisen luottotietorekisterin vaikutukset luotonantoon ja ylivelkaantumiseen

Valtioneuvoston selvityksiä: Selvityksessä tarkastellaan positiivisen luottotietorekisterin vaikutuksia luotonantajiin, luotonhakijoihin sekä rahoitusmarkkinoiden vakautta valvoviin viranomaisiin. Selvitys on tehty tausta-aineistoksi positiivista luottotietorekisteriä koskevalle lainsäädäntöhankkeelle.

Panu Kalmi, Sanna Eronen & Minna-Maarit Jaskari

Pelillisyys opetuksessa kiinnostaa – kokemuksia Vaasan yliopistosta

Tässä artikkelissa käsittelemme pelillisyyden käyttöä Vaasan yliopiston opetuksessa tekemämme kyselyn pohjalta. Tulokset osoittavat, että pelillisyyteen suhtaudutaan positiivisesti ja sitä hyödynnetään monipuolisesti opetuksessa, vaikka haasteitakin ilmenee. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että pelillisyyden käyttöä opetuksessa voitaisiin entisestään lisätä yliopistopedagogisen koulutuksen avulla.

Cornée, Simon; Kalmi, Panu; Szafarz, Ariane

The business model of social banks

The main reason for the existence of social banks is to fund other social enterprises. On that basis, Simon Cornée from the University of Rennes 1, Panu Kalmi from the University of Vaasa and Ariane Szafarz from the Université Libre de Bruxelles propose that social banks can operate profitably and still lend to their borrowers at attractive interest rates when their owners and depositors accept lower returns on their investments.